Many companies
supplying alt
ernative energy and waste to energy
technology or
products will offer “lowball” energy
studies and feasibility studies -
even offering them free of charge.
However, as we all know, in life we all get what
we pay for so, beware of freebees!
These vested
companies do this simply so they can slant
a study toward their own technologies and
products. They make the problem fit their
technology rather than consider
and recommend the best technologies to suit the
particular situation at hand.
By far,
in the largest percentage of projects, the
correct solution is almost always a balanced
combination of the very best and most economical
technologies and products
available. The idea is to get the best results
for the least expenditure.
end user after all has to live with the
repayment of the debt for twenty or more years.
Overpayment is not an option!
only way to avoid this problem is to
have a properly researched, study undertaken by
a professional, independent
company, with no connection to
any manufacture or suppliers of the technology.
A biased or “slanted” study will usually be
flawed, for obvious reasons and ultimately can
cost much more than necessary